Jobs Abroad For Couples

Finding the right person takes really hard work. People usually go through a lot of disappointing experiences before they actually get to find the right person for them. Though this is not always the case, most people are really thankful for finally meeting someone they can really connect with. Whatever your story might be, having a successful relationship must be something you are really grateful for, as most people are. However, having a relationship sometimes implies a little work.

First of all, you have to change everything about the way you view things, as I suddenly becomes We. Although that might sound pretty romantic at first, when it comes to more serious decisions in life, that We can sometimes get in the way. Though that might sound awful, most people have to face this situation at least once in their life. For example, if you happen to have a job opportunity that requires some personal sacrifice, you might not be able to take it because you are in a relationship.

How do you include We in every part of your life? Nobody wants to be selfish, but most people end up facing contradictory situations once in a while. On one hand, you need to turn down a job offer that might have presented a great opportunity for your career without hesitation, but on the other hand, you need to think about your future and make your own decision as a person. Nobody wants to regret the decisions they have made because of their partner, as that can be really unhealthy for a relationship.

So, how do you get these sort of situations solved without breaking up the relationship? I mean, you don`t want your relationship to get in the way of your carrier, but you also don`t want your carrier to get in the way of your relationship. The best way to deal with them would be to somehow get them together. If you find a way to make the two parts of your life work together, than you can fully enjoy both of them.

A great way of getting your partner involved on your professional activity is to find a couple job. There is a high demand for couples abroad that work different jobs together. Some couples join different cruises, others go abroad and get different jobs, while others consider being English teachers abroad. Going abroad and working there as a couple can not only guarantee you financial well being, but will also bring you as a couple together.

You will have the opportunity to travel and discover new places together and you will have the same carrier as a common ground. Working for the same goal can bring two people very closely together. Also, being foreigners in another country can do wonders for your connection as a couple. You will be able to really be yourselves, as you will have no one but strangers around you. Why let carriers destroy your relationship, when you can have them work magic on it?

Liability for Bad Reference, Employment Tribunal Case

Employment Solicitors Trethowans look at a recent Employment Tribunal case regarding Employment references.

A case this month considered whether a past employer could be liable for the future loss of earnings caused by providing a bad reference.

The Claimant in the case of Bullimore v Pothecary Witham Weld Solicitors and Another had previously brought a claim for sex discrimination against her past employer. A prospective employer requested a reference from the previous employer, who provided a reference which referred to the sex discrimination claim and stated that the employee had a “poor relationship” with the firm’s partners and could be “inflexible in her opinions”. As a result of this reference, the prospective employer did not employ the employee.

The employee brought a claim against the prospective employer, as well as the past employer. The prospective employer settled prior to the hearing. The Tribunal considered that the prospective employer’s unlawful action of rejecting the employee on the basis of the reference broke the chain of causation so that the past employer was not liable. The EAT reversed the Tribunal’s decision and considered that it was foreseeable that the prospective employer would react as it did. As a matter of fairness, the past employer should be liable for the result of its actions. The case has now been re-submitted to the Tribunal to consider the level of damages to be awarded.

Many employees now have a policy of only providing factual references. The above case is a classic example of the dangers in going beyond a purely factual reference. In our view, the risks are not worth running.

Winter 20112012 J1 Visa Students Employment

Winter 2011/2012 employment!

Summer 2011 has only started to bring tourists to resorts, hotels, country clubs, restaurants. Most summer j1 visa students have just arrived, settled in and started working. But slightly paraphrasing the saying: “Make provision for a Snowy day but in Summer time!”.
We are beginning to place winter 2011/2012 j1 students from Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Colombia, South Africa. Considering visa denial rates, being lowest when employment is arranged early, we recommend to make an estimation of staff you’ll need for winter season and post your j1 jobs. We’ll be happy to send you great profiles of students participating in Winter “Work and Travel” program!
It is so great and easy to be prepared for upcoming season with Wollt if your business is f&b, hospitality or casino industry related. Hotels, motels, b&b’s, restaurants, fast-food restaurants, bars, casinos use our free staffing service to hire great English speaking students for a wide range of positions. Motivated, hardworking, educated, energetic and sociable young people from around the world will be a perfect match if you are looking to fill a housekeeping or front desk clerk position, host or waitress. These young students will bring a diversity to your company and probably open new perspectives with their international experience and knowledge.Your business can benefit from hiring international exchange students for different types of jobs. This is possible due to special exchange program, developed by US Department of State, called “Work and Travel”. Specially designed for students to spend their summer holidays in USA (summer is different by world regions, so the program is year-round), it provides them with an opportunity to work in USA for 3.5-4 months and enables US businesses to benefit from hiring international students. Students are young motivated workers, eager to discover new culture, traditions, way of life and make some money to pay their studies back home.

Perfect entry-level positions to cover with foreign students
Below is the list of entry-level f&b and hospitality positions that are most often covered by international students. Further we provide a short list of your benefits, when you hire international students with J1 visa. Jobs include, but are not limited to:
Laundry staff
Breakfast hosts
Servers, waiters / waitresses
Hosts / hostess
Bussers / bus boys, girls
Kitchen help
Prep cooksFront desk clerks
Room attendants
Parking lot attendants
Game operators

J1 visa foreign workers are the best seasonal staffing solution for ski resorts, country clubs operating in winter time and all kind of hotels, restaurants, other hospitality businesses with pick time in winter months. If you hire now, students will arrive in the end of November-early December and will work till the end of February-end of March. Dates are flexible and depend on your specific needs. Please contact us and post your winter j1 jobs now!

Applying for a Job – Run Pre Employment Check on Yourself to Mark Success!

Over 90% of companies run background checks on applicants-.

Unemployment is soaring. Many employers have already seized new hiring ventures and very few jobs are available. Despite a very modest improvement in recent months, the job market is still hovering around 9.5% unemployment, unthinkable four years ago. In most fields and industries, competition for the best jobs is almost overwhelming.

Is there anything a common job seeking person can do to stand out from the unemployed crowd? Actually, there is a way by which you can mark your primal success over your competitor candidate and how it’s going to be happen, when you run your own background employment check before applying a job.

The question arises in every job seeking mind that how running an employment check upon yourself might help in getting a prospective job career. So it is simply because, first it enables you to find out if any erroneous information is being reported about you. And second, it reassures potential employers that the qualifications you present in your job application are true and correct. A study conducted by a human resource and recruiting firm stated that as many as 44% of the resumes and job applications contain inaccuracies or outright deceptions.

Every single employer is now conducting a background check or employment check before hiring. The fact you have presented your own self-background- employment check suggests that a problem is not likely to crop up when the employer runs its own background check. In other means, it can double your chances for being hired as employer will not be able to uncover something which will cause him/her to have to disqualify you at end of hiring process thereby wasting company time and resources.

What’s more, as said, if by chance there is some mistake being made in compiling your background check, for example, a State is erroneously reporting you have a criminal record when if fact you don’t, running your own background check will alert you to this problem so you can take steps to correct it before an employer sees it.

Bottom Line: This may be a good preemptive strategy in today’s killer job market. But how do you go about it? Let’s have a look at it through these simple easy steps to opt for a employment check.

There are four essential pre employment background checks that you can run on yourself are as follows;

1.Education: Pre employment background checks

2.Credit Record or History Checks

3.Employment Criminal background checks

4.Social Security Number Trace

Education Background Check Made Easy:

Education background checks is one of the most essentials checks employers perform as employment checks. Strict credentialing practices are used to verify your university/college accreditations, your study time (attendance and date of admission/passing out) and sometimes your grades are also verified.

When verifying your own university/college degree, the first place you want to look is The National Student Clearinghouse. They run the automated database that provides degree verification very quickly.

Typically, colleges and universities provide education verification over the telephone. You can contact your institution administration/registrar office to confirm the accreditation of university/college with accreditation authorities. Then you can double check your admission/passing out dates as well as your grades.

If your institution cannot find your degree or the name on degree is changed to your current name, (an unusual situation, but it might happen), you have to take care of the problem. You will probably need to fax the school a copy of your diploma or any other documentation you have, to remove the chances of being debugged.

Credit Records or History Pre Employment Background Checks:

Be aware of what is on your credit report, especially if you think a prospective employer might check it. That way, if there are inaccuracies on the report, you can take steps to correct them.

Employers are very keen to know about your credit histories as it can easily predict your future in their organization. So it’s feasible to run a credit history employment check on yourself by adopting these four basic precautions.

Contact your bank and ask them for your credit report.

If you find any mistake or discrepancy, point out and correct it right away.

Make your bank to certify you for clean credit history.

After these 3 steps to resurrection, you can notify your prospective employer of the inaccuracies and of the steps you have taken to correct them.

Criminal Background Checks as Employment Checks:

Employers want to know about your background, and you can be assured that they will check to see if you have a criminal history.

The best source of a complete criminal background employment check is the Department of Justice for your state. If you have a criminal record in multiple states, you will need to contact each state’s Department of Justice. You can also get a copy of your criminal record from the court where your case(s) went to court.

These local records are found in courthouses and police departments, you can also look in specialized searches which include the Terrorist Watch List, the Federal Wanted Persons List, and Sex Offender Registries. Most of these records are contained in large databases that are updated on a regular basis.

Criminal background checks be best searched by hand at the county/states level, with full names, date of birth, should be used as much as possible to confirm a positive identification.

Social Security Number Trace

An applicant’s social security number is used throughout the pre-employment screening process, checking your validity of the number accomplish several things.

It confirms that the number belongs to you and it provides a list of current and previous addresses, as well as other names used.

Make sure each numeral is clearly written so no one has to try and decipher your handwriting.

If you had reason to change your SSN, provide both numbers and add a brief note explaining why you had to change your number. Also, indicate when you started using the newer SSN.

This verification also provides other last names associated with the SSN and a list of previous addresses.

Drawn Conclusion and Recommendations:

The strategy is simple. Get your own employment check report done, and then offer it to an employer as a way of reassuring him that you’re on the up-and-up. This is not at all an uncommon practice these days. You can attach a printed copy of your Self-Check Employment Screening Report to your resume.

Not everyone knows what happens during a pre-employment screening. In fact, most people know very little about it. So, Consider hiring a specialize pre employment background checks company or try to check your background online with authentic sources and public record portals, they are extremely helpful and can easily detect you out of everywhere; they are reliable, cost effective and time saving.

The author of this researched article is a professional writer indulged in writing for changing trends in background screening and employment check industry, its evolution & development in the online world.

Employment Agency in New Jersey … Link Between Employees And Employers!

If you are looking for a job in New Jersey, then the best way to go about it is to get in touch with an employment agency in New Jersey or recruitment consultants in New Jersey as soon as possible!

What Is an Employment Agency?

An employment agency New Jersey, like many other agencies, bridges the distance between employees and employers. An employment agency would help in getting your skills noticed by the employers. An employment agency in New Jersey, for example, would match your skill set with the needs of a particular employer. If you suit the criteria, then the agency will arrange for a personal meeting.

How Do These Agencies Work

Many agencies have specific areas that they target. For example, some agencies specialize in specific industries such as health care, information technology, accounting, or executive assistance. There is also another kind of employment agency known as an executive-search firm that specializes in providing employment at the executive level. All agencies have a database of workers classified according to their skills. When an employer posts a vacancy with the agency, it decides on the suitable candidate for the vacancy and arranges a meeting. Some agencies also provide training in preparing a resume, interview, and presentation-making skills.

What Is A Recruitment Consultant?

You can also contact a recruitment consultant in New Jersey for your job needs. The job profile of the consultant is almost the same; that is, they also match the skills of a candidate with those required by a specific organization. While an employment agency typically works with individuals, a recruitment consultant works with organizations. A recruitment consultant works by understand the needs of the human resources department of a company, and then searching for appropriate candidates. A consultant can also look for a candidate through head-hunters, networking and referrals. Once some candidates are selected, then begins the screening process, interviews, and background checks. They also have the responsibility of building relationships between the employee and the employer in addition to understanding the needs of the recruiter. A recruitment consultant in New Jersey or any other part of the world would also help you in negotiating salary, training needs and career growth and opportunities.

Some companies perform both functions, that of employment agency and recruitment consultant New Jersey. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for a temp job, a part-time job or full-time job, an employment agency in New Jersey can help you find what you are looking for.

For more information please visit