Employee Background Screening -2

Founded in 1993, Onicra has been a leader in the field of corporate consultancy and human resource services. Onicra has been dedicated to providing a viable commercial identity and human-resource related expertise to companies, commercial corporations and commercial institutions. At Onicra, the human resource services and consultations utilize powerful and accurate statistical tools to facilitate accurate analytical and inferential data, thus correctly rating and assessing potential for commercial growth and performance. To this date, some of Indias biggest and most respected companies like Mahindra & Mahindra, Volkswagen, HDFC Bank and Genpact form an illustrious resume of Onicras clientele.

Among its numerous consequential industry-oriented services, Onicra offers the services of Employee background screening. These are in the nature of extensive pre employment checks initiated by Onicra for a particular employee to assess his/her potential for growth, commercial aptitude and efficiency. Onicra goes through extensive personalized individual data, records, achievement statements, certificates and appraisals for each candidate to generate a unique rating, which is extremely accurate by industry standards. Onicra has developed its own system of ratings, using powerful analytical and statistical tools like the PRTS (Performance Rating and Tracking System), enabling an almost spot-on assessment of the potential and the job-worthiness of an employee.

The pre employment screening process facilitated by Onicra assists companies and commercial corporations identify and cultivate the best, most talented and efficient personnel as their workforce. To do this, Onicra maintains an extensive database that tracks and keeps tally of even the minutest relevant details of an employee that could affect or influence his professional career. By setting high standards for quality for the pre employment verification process, Onicra eliminates the possibilities of having wrong people at the wrong jobs, or possibilities of employee incompetence, ineligibility and incompatibility. The vast benefits of the extremely essential employee background screening processes directly accrue to the HR departments, who become free to direct their resources to training and honing employees.

The employee background screening procedures instituted and implemented by Onicra helps to maintain a level of trust between the employer and the employee. These protect companies against fraudulent employees, identity theft and dangers possibly arising from misrepresentation of vital information. The employment screening service offered by Onicra involves extensive checks and verification procedures on employees personal, social and academic background, legal reports and records and also records for substance abuse (if any). References and appraisals are also gathered and collated from previous employers, acquaintances, family members and colleagues.

The Employee Background Screening services offered by Onicra incorporate extensive verification procedures as stated below. Education Checks (verification of academic and professional qualifications) are used to determine the academic validity of a C.V to determine the eligibility of a potential employee. Pre employment checks are carried out to screen employment details pertaining to previously held designations, employment tenure, emoluments etc. Often, this acts as a reflective index of the employees temperament, aptitude and capability. Onicra also checks the applicants criminal records (if any) with law enforcement authorities and existing criminal records databases. A meticulous verification procedure is also done about the candidate with the person enlisted as his/her reference.

Onicra also implements rigorous checks for possible representations and corruption of data in the applicants C.V, substance and drug abuse records (if any) and checks for criminal litigations. Onicra ascertains the applicants identity as well, through checks for PAN Cards, driving licenses, licenses, Passports and other vital documentation. The verification process is implemented to be a perpetual, continuous process, accommodating possibilities for changes of results over courses of time. Thus, Onicra revolutionized background checks in India by appropriating a series of checks that are best suited locally.

Handling a No-Compete Employment Clause

Is it possible to walk away from your employer and join its competitor? If there was a non-compete clause in your employment, this may not be this easy. Majority of employers have a restrictive clause in the employment agreement that you need to sign before you join any organization. This restricts your scope of employment later.

If you did not get an employment attorney to review your employment agreement before you signed it, you may have no idea about how the non-compete clause affects you. Moreover, it is enforceable as per the Florida Statutes Section 542.335 under certain circumstances. Here is a quick look at the details.

When is such an agreement enforceable? The agreement is enforceable only if it protects a legitimate business interest. Here are the acceptable ones:

Trade secrets
Confidential business information of substantial value
Relationships with prospective/existing customers of substantial value
Customer goodwill related to a business or the geographic location of a business
Training of extraordinary/extraordinary nature

Moreover, the restrictive clause must be reasonable in nature and duration to be enforceable.

What legal consequences may you face if you violate this clause? Such an action may lead to financial penalties as well as injunctions to restrict further violations. In most cases, an employer would ask for a temporary injunction and a subsequent hearing. The court may order such an injunction within three months from the date of filing in Florida.

What do you do if there is an allegation of violation? The most important thing to do is find out a Fort Lauderdale employment attorney for consultation. It was possible to avoid such a legal hassle if you consulted him/her before you signed the non-compete agreement. However, it is never too late.

What strategies may you use for defense? The most popular strategy in use is to prove that the employer was at a breach before your breach. Suppose your employer failed to pay you the leave pay you were entitled to get. In such a situation, the court of law may deem the agreement not enforceable.

If the restrictive clause in the employment agreement is too broad, in scope or duration, the laws permit the Florida court to -blue pencil’ it. In such a circumstance, the court may reduce the restrictions of the non-compete agreement. Your employment attorney knows best which strategy to use if you ever face an allegation of violation of the clause.

Pre-employment Screening Of Doctors

Verification Of Professional Degrees

Among other things, doctors as a profession and Healthcare as an industry share a common need a good reputation. For doctors their good name is as important as their medical skills and abilities. For hospitals, an excellent reputation is as desirable as modern equipment and the best facilities.

A good name, like good will, is got by many actions and lost by one.. Lord Jeffery

When the good name is brought into disrepute it is the hardest of tasks to remedy. That is precisely the predicament in which Delhi hospitals find themselves.

Over the last few months there has been a spate of reports in various media about unscrupulous people practicing medicine and masquerading as doctors. They have been carrying on their wicked work without the education, training or qualifications to do so. These quacks have even infiltrated the sanctums of private hospitals and are no more confined to the narrow lanes and backstreets of crowded slums and unauthorized colonies.

Reports reveal that the problem is rather large and widespread. Large enough to be alarming. The, now dissolved, Medical Council of India had estimated that the number of quacks operating in the Delhi region would be about 40,000! Now compare that number with 45,000 (DMC database), which is the number of genuine registered doctors.

The erstwhile Medical Council of India (MCI) and the Delhi Medical Council (DMC) have been working hard to get a grip on the problem and clean out the Augean stables. As a result of their efforts some 25 fake doctors were discovered working in respected private hospitals. These quacks have been suspended – with police cases filed against them – and are now enmeshed in the judicial process.

The lesson to be taken from these findings is that hospitals should wake up quickly to the vital necessity of verifying the educational and medical qualifications and antecedents of the medical staff they hire. They cannot afford being tarnished by the bad reputation that comes with hiring quacks and other unqualified medical personnel.

Background Screening and authentication of education qualifications should be rigorously carried out along with checks of professional degrees and references. These checks are especially crucial in an industry such as healthcare where the price of wrong hiring could be the loss of a life.
In a recent AuthBridge study, Background Screening Trends: October 08 July 09 it was found that 69% of discrepant cases relating to education were due to fake/forged documents. The bigger picture is even more disquieting. They show that 30% of all the cases we handled were discrepant – for a variety of reasons. Of these the majority pertained to false and fake qualifications. While these statistics do not directly relate to the medical profession, it is a pointer to what could be the magnitude of the problem facing it.

While hospitals of all hues and sizes need to be alive to the seriousness of the problem, it is also important for the various medical governing bodies to conduct checks of their own. They too have to retain their good name and integrity of their associations. The reconstituted Medical Council of India has to work, now and in its future avatar, to safeguard its international reputation too.

The following quotation is rather apt in the light of the problem. A good name is better than precious ointment (Ecclesiastes 7:1).

Read More: http://www.authbridge.com/resource-center/industry-updates.html

Alaska Cannery Employment – How To Get A Job As A Fish Processor

Are you seeking Alaska cannery employment? There are tens of thousands of jobs available each year that pay about $3,000 to $8,000 a month with free room and board.

Canneries, also known as land plants, buy fish from fishermen and package the fish to be sold to various companies. Canneries are in constant need of employees who are willing to work from 12 to 16 hours a day.

The majority of people who work in canneries are called processors. Processor duties are varied. This may involve gutting fish, cleaning fish, de-worming, offloading fishing boats, packing and freezing the product. To prevent monotony most bosses change employee duties on a regular basis.

What qualifications do you need to get a job?

Of course, previous fish processing experience is preferred, but usually not necessary. Any job that is similar to Alaska cannery employment will make you a great candidate for a job. If you have worked in a warehouse or any food processing plant you already have the type of experience needed to get a job as a processor. Also, any job in which you worked a lot of overtime hours is a big plus on your resume too.

Hundreds of canneries employ young and older people for a variety of jobs. If a potential employer is convinced that you will be able to handle the work hours and complete your contract you could find yourself far ahead of most other people on the potential employees list.

When a company is considering hiring you you’ll be asked to attend an orientation meeting which details work conditions, what is expected of you, and payment. When hired you will need to sign a contract. Most contracts require that you complete three months of work with the company.

One of the easiest and fastest ways to get a job in a cannery in Alaska is to have a list of hundreds of employers. That way you’ll be able to apply for dozens of jobs, thus increasing your chances of obtaining employment.

A Few Tips On How To Obtain Employment News Through Online Job Search Websites

Job search is a matter of great concern for today’s youngsters that they vigorously search for jobs through many ways like newspaper ads, employment agencies, and job search websites and so on. But among these different means of acquiring a job, websites are the most commonly used method of job search by the youngsters and freshers since most of the employers are now searching for recruiting their employees through websites and online services only. But on the contrary, the truth is, in these days of tough employment opportunities in India, online job search is very important for the job seekers. They are the most advantageous modes of recruitment and easy way of job searching since its very fast and inexpensive. When applying online, people can find the latest employment news and apply for the best jobs that suit their skills, educational qualification and abilities.

However it’s not that easy task as it’s said regarding the job applications on these online job search sites. The truth is, even though the internet is a great marketplace for manpower, unless you do it correctly, you’ll be rejected or thrown to the least of all the millions and millions of candidates on the cyberspace. Here are some of the online job search tips to apply to different websites such as Sarkari Naukri and how to come out successfully with the online job hunting activity.

– The first step is to create a professional email address for yourself with which you should sign in to the online job search websites. There are always some good techniques in selecting a professional user name such as including your name and also a few numbers from your birthday date and so on. However you choose the name, the mandatory requirement is to keep your email to be updated with all hourly updates and notifications about the different kinds of Government jobs or private jobs available in the different regions of the country till-date.

– Your resume should be uploaded in a universally readable form with fonts like Times New Roman or Verdana in the font size 10 to 12. It’s better to keep your resume in PDF format so that the recruiters would find it easy to read and analyze the resume.

– Be tactful and clever in managing your personal profile information since this would be the content that the potential job searchers would be going through in your profile. You should be very careful in not leaking out all information to all viewers of your profile.

– Another possible guideline is to be genuine and truthful to the employers who call you on for an interview. In case of unavoidable circumstances, you have to ring up and explain that you won’t be attending the interview.

With all these guidelines in mind, you can start searching for your government jobs in different job search websites with confidence. OnlineBharath, founded in April 2010, is an employment website featuring the best and the latest employment news on all types of jobs including Public Sector Units, Central and State Government jobs, vacancies and Walk-ins in India. For further details, please visit http://www.onlinebharath.co.in